Sunday, December 07, 2014

Frank Conroy re "No Money"/Jim Spitzer Paintings/"Legacy"?/Jean Cocteau/Pat Nolan's New Book/Buy John's Book/Gordon Walmsley's Daisy/

That great writer of fiction Frank Conroy (not Pat), in his sensitive
bildungsroman Body & Soul, presents an imagined meeting between   Aaron Copland and protagonist Claude Rawlings with the following pronouncement from the great American composer,   There's very little money in composing, Mr. Rawlings.  But we're not unique.  Robert Frost once told me he'd never been able to support himself from his royalties alone.  Can you imagine that?  The most popular poet in the richest country in the world?

  It's crazy,  Claude said and meant it.

  It's a nuisance.  Money is a nuisance.

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Some Recent Paintings by Jim Spitzer

See more Spitzer paintings and/or purchase

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Something On "Legacy"

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Good Stuff - Fragments From Jean Cocteau's  
Diary of an Unknown

It seems to me that invisibility is the required provision of elegance.  Elegance ceases to exist when it is noticed.  Poetry, being elegance itself, cannnot hope to achieve visibility.  In that case, you ask me, of what use is it?  Of no use.  Who will see it"  No one.  Which does not prevent it from being an outrage to modesty, though its exhibitionism is squandered on the blind.  It is enough for poety to express a personal ethic, which can then break away in the form of a work.  It insists on living its own life.  It becomes the pretext for a thousand midunderstandings that go by the name of glory.

Glory is absurd, stemming as it does from the herding instinct.  A crowd gathers around an accident, discusses it, reinvents it, worries at it until it has become something wholly different.

Beauty is always the result of an accident.  Of a violent lapse between acquired habit and those yet to be acquired.  It baffles and disgusts.  It may even horrify.  Once the new habit has been acquired, the accident ceases to be an accident.  It becomes classical and loses its shock value....

...Poetry is a religion without hope...Poetry is an ethic... a secret code of behavior...Once a young woman who was arguing with me cried out, "Your truth is not mine!"  I should hope not.

...any work that persuades too readily, will be but a decorative fantasy.

...As it develops, this ethic will become a kind of insult.  It will persuade only those who are able to abandon themselves to a greater force, and those who love more than they admire.  It will accumulate neither subscribers not admirers.  It will only make friends.
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Pat Nolan Reading From His New Nullain House Poetry Collection  Your Name Here At  Iota Press in Sebastopol, CA November 9th 2014

Disprove the notion of No Money In Poetry by pressing
Buy Pat's collection here


Distracted by a hair
the archeology of my desk
shifted layer by layer
what great discoveries
wait to be made among
paper thin strata

paper paper everywhere
not a pen to be found

expansiveness of dusky fall day
frost curled leaves early morning
car rooftops spangled wet
an angled light spreads cresting
rising moisture illuminated as pure haze

I have found the elixir of youth
mix with water and
I’m good for another millennium

hot water flavored with dried leaves
hot water flavored with ground roasted beans
hot water alone for that ascetic effect

though these days it’s more
about neurosis than consciousness
I live in my language wear it
like a comfortable pair of jeans
and an old faded t-shirt

chatter rising

out of the void and its silence
comes mind and truth breath brings
life and its aspirant word

(originally published in Big Bridge 10

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And while your buying Xmas presents, continue disproving the No Money In Poetry notion by buying John Coletti's City Lights collection Deep Code here at Amazon or Directly from City Lights below

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 Also consider poet Gordon Walmsley's first novel.  It's unique and covers Hurricane Katrina and all things New Orleans and Philosophical.  Walmsley hails from New Orleans and Copenhagen.  More here at this Amazon link.

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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Novel Cartoon/Poet & Reader/Hoo Doo Dog/Acceptances in Journals/Two Maria De Los Angeles Paintings/

The Poet and His Reader

"The transaction that we call the experience of poetry always takes place between one being and another. The energy circulates from privacy to privacy. Far flung though they may be in space and time, the poet and his reader are, for the duration of the experience, adjacent souls with permeable boundaries. Language can render the inward experience so persuasively that the space/time axis yields. Poetry has no larger 'public function' — it's limits are set. Poetry readings may be good advertising but they can't alter the monogamous character of the real event. In poetry, as in love, two is company, three is always a crowd."

from Sven Birkerts in his essay "The Poet In An Age Of Distraction"

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When I Was Transformed Into The Hoo Doo Dog
 Before I knew what was happening, David Madgalene had effected this transformation of me into one of his most nefarious characters or, rather into the head I'd once painted of that character, The Hoo Doo Dog!  Read more here!

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Ed Coletti: Recent Journal Acceptances

Steve Jobs' Glasses                                        California Qtrly Review            Wntr  2014

Bologna Station Caffé                                   Curator                                       Aug   2014

these old instrumental sugar blues                Bohemia                                     May   2014
 Much More Than Road Kill                         Lummox                                     Nov.   2014

-Big Bill’s I-Ching of What Sex Is
-Bukowski Makes Me Happy
-Born Yesterday
-When I Fall In Love
-Please Aerate the Poetry                               Zombie Logic Review                            March 2014

Schrodinger’s Cat                                           Ambush Rev.                              March 2014

-Take Care
-Accordion Dirge                                           Heyday Magazine                       March 2014

Dead Career                                                    Penny Ante Review                    March 2014

Quiet Now                                                      Blueline                                     Spring 2014

-When I’m a Small Bird Floating
-I’m Not Telling a Story I’m Writing a
   Poem Damn It                                              The Brooklyn Rail                        Aug  2014

-The Queen’s Interlude
-Monkey Business                                          So It Goes – The Literary Journal
                                                                        of the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial
                                                                        Library Issue 2                              Jan.  2014

S.O.B (Fiction)                                               Noir Nation                                   2014

Anh (Fiction)                                                  Romance Magazine                      2014         

Tetzel Box                                                      East Coast Literary Review          2013         

On Plumbing Following A Divorce               North American Review               2014

The Poet As Survivor Assistance Officer      Journal Of Military Experience -  2013

Freight Train                                                  Lummox                                  Oct or Nov 2013

-Lying on a Chair Swing in August               Edwin E. Smith Q.                  Spring 2014
-New Years Eve                                                          
-Once Upon A Time In China

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2 Paintings by Maria de Los Angeles

Maria De Los Angeles emigrated from Mexico to the United States in 1999. She currently resides in New Haven Connecticut and attends MFA in Painting and Printmaking at Yale University. In 2013 received a BFA in Painting from Pratt Institute. Maria works in a variety of media including oil,acrylic painting, etching, woodcut, drawing and sculpture. Current works reflect her interest in  narratives both Allegorical and time base with the symbolic use of color, form and objects.

Maria's paintings are for sale

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               American Values                 (No Money In The Arts) If every reader of this blog were simply to call your Congress Person ...