Sunday, September 05, 2010

William Blake/SF Examiner Article/7 Coletti Paintings (For Sale!)

William Blake on Things Getting Better for Job (and Me too!)

From my experience, I'm more than inclined to agree with Blake that life gets better even in the occasional case of "that spoilsport voice in my head."

20 more years

when I brushstroke a painting
or improve a poetic image

when I realize just how much I love you
how much less I’d be without you

when my son calls me to beer and a pizza
when from nowhere good wishes cascade,

that spoilsport voice in my head
begins chiding, “you’ve got only 20 more years.”

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San Francisco Examiner Article - take a look

Paintings By Ed Coletti for sale

("Molten," "Lakeside," "Dead Fish," "More Dead Fish," "Pagliaccio," "Untitled," and "Evolving")

The Bucks?/Hoo Doo Girl/War Birds/Sunny Spring Festival/Joseph Zaccardi/

Counting the bucks yet ? This also is a kick!   Ed and Justin Coletti performing David Madgalene's "HooDoo Girl" at Occidenta...